One down, four to go.
Hit the snooze button a few too many times this morning but still got out of the house on time to get to the Zen Centre around quarter to six. I was the first in the zendo other than the monitor.
Our morning sittings don’t have any kinhin — just two rounds with a bell in between at which you can change your posture — and that was tough, because if I’m a little sleepy kinhin usually snaps me out of it. I can see needing to work extra hard this week.
Tomorrow’s going to be a real challenge, though. Morning sitting, then home to keep an eye on a software release at work, then back down to the centre’s neighbourhood for a business meeting, then up to the office for the rest of the day, then back to the zen centre for the evening sitting.
But it’s not like I’ve got better things to do, right?
Hey Rich,
Interesting idea! I hope this works out well for you and I look forward to hearing about all the changes!